Tips for Helping Your Preschooler Manage Challenges

Tips for Helping Your Preschooler Manage Challenges

Learning how to manage and overcome challenges is a crucial life skill. It is essential to understand why this skill is so vital and how you can support your preschooler in mastering it.

Life is full of obstacles, so it is vital to help children learn how to overcome them and become successful. 

Parents with a trustworthy relationship with their kids are in an excellent position to support them and provide them with the necessary information to deal with life’s challenges. When a parent is willing to help, children can learn how to handle stressful situations better. This will provide them with more opportunities to develop and learn.

A growth mindset to help your preschoolers manage challenges

Your children can change how they perceive their potential by adopting a growth mindset. It lets your child realize their abilities can grow with the correct approaches and effort. Assisting your child in cultivating this growth-oriented mindset early will position them for success as it centres around personal development.

By instilling a growth mindset in your child, they will view challenges as opportunities and learn to manage them more effectively.

For example: 

  • Challenge: Your child is struggling to tie their shoelaces, and he is becoming frustrated. 
  • As a parent, you can foster a growth mindset in your child by focusing on their efforts rather than their initial inability to do something. For instance, if your child is struggling to tie their shoelaces, try praising their effort by saying, “I can see you’re trying to learn how to tie your shoelaces. That’s fantastic!”. 

It is important to remind your child that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. You can tell your child, “Making mistakes is okay, that’s how we learn and improve.” As a parent, it’s important to offer guidance and remain patient while your child practices at their own pace.

Tips for parents to assist preschoolers in managing challenges

Helping your preschooler manage challenges is an integral part of their development. Here are various helpful  tips for parents and caregivers to assist preschoolers in facing and overcoming difficulties:

1. Be a good example:

Parents model calm and patient behaviour when challenges arise. Children often look to adults for how to react in difficult situations.

Discussing your stress-related errors with kids and informing them of your plan for handling that stress is acceptable.

2. Offer Support and Reassurance:

It’s important to let your child know that facing challenges is a natural part of life and that you’re always there to help and support them. As children grow and mature, they experience new emotions like frustration, defeat, and rage.

Supporting your child in learning good coping mechanisms and helping them navigate these emotions is crucial. One way to do this is by giving your child space to experience negative emotions without immediately rescuing them. This allows them to learn how to recognize and process their emotions on their own. When the time comes, you can intervene with advice or next steps if needed. 

It’s also important to actively listen to your child when they talk about their challenges or concerns. Offer comfort and validation, and avoid jumping in with immediate solutions. By doing this, you can help your child develop important emotional skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

3. Encourage Independence:

You always allow your child to try tasks on their own, even if it means they may make mistakes. This mindset will foster kids’ independence and resilience.

Parents guide their children in finding solutions to problems and asking open-ended questions to help them think critically and make choices.

4. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps:

When a challenge seems too big, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Help your child work through each step sequentially.

5. Set Realistic Expectations:

Parents should be mindful of age-appropriate expectations. Preschoolers are still learning and growing, so some challenges may be beyond their current abilities.

6. Use Positive Attitude:

Parents encourage a positive outlook by using optimistic language. Instead of saying, “You can’t do it,” say, “You can do it with a little practice.”

You encourage your child to view mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth rather than failures.

7. Provide a Safe Space:

You keep ensuring your home is a safe and comfortable space where your child can express their feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment.

Sharing stories about resilience, perseverance, and overcoming challenges with your child is vital to inspire and motivate them.

8. Use Play to Teach:

Play is a powerful way to teach resilience and problem-solving. Parents incorporate scenarios into play where their child faces and conquers challenges.

Make sure your child has time for unstructured play and relaxation. These moments can be essential for unwinding and recharging.

9. Seek Professional Help When Needed:

In addition to the importance of parental support, you can seek expert assistance when needed. Make sure you keep an open communication with the teachers of your child. They can offer insightful commentary and recommend effective teaching methods. Or, if your child has significant learning difficulties, consider looking into the special education programs your child’s school offers.


Challenges are a natural part of growing up. In that way of growing up, your preschoolers develop the skills to face challenges that will contribute to their overall well-being and resilience as they continue to grow and learn.