19 Dec 4 Tips to Improve Continuous Writing

One of the primary focuses of English language learning in Singaporean schools, along with oral and comprehension, is composition. Does your child have trouble with continuous writing? Children who are taught to write compelling stories develop their critical and creative thinking abilities and their general knowledge of the world. Students frequently dread writing essays, but with the right strategies and dedication, they can overcome this fear and get excellent grades. Here, we share 4 tips to improve continuous writing so your child feels more confident and prepared.
1. Have a Strategy and Plan Ahead
Good storylines don’t happen overnight. Before deciding what to write, put the question on paper and brainstorm your ideas! Before writing the storyline, students must understand the topic. The Introduction, Body, and Conclusion make up the fundamental structure of a composition. They are encouraged to write down any creative ideas that come to mind right away before incorporating the most logical and pertinent ones into their composition, or to outline the main ideas and supporting details that serve as the foundation for the arguments in their structured essays.
All that’s required is a concise outline that highlights the important points to address in their composition. Whether it’s to inform, explain, or persuade a reader, students should be extremely clear of the goal of their narrative right from the start.
2. Avoid Grammar and Sentence Structure Mistakes

Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation help students achieve high marks in their PSLE English composition. It emphasises writing because it raises the narrative’s overall quality. A clear and fluent sentence is produced when students use the correct tenses and punctuation in their English composition.
Punctuation marks, such as a full stop, comma, exclamation point, apostrophes, etc., may seem unnecessary, but their absence could deduct significantly from their English composition scores. Students are advised not to overlook punctuation when writing for the PSLE English Composition. Punctuation enhances the reader’s ability to understand the message or points that students are attempting to make in their writing, in this case, the PSLE marker. It aids in indicating appropriate pauses and highlights concepts covered in the story. By mastering grammar rules, students write complete, concise sentences that bring their ideas across to the reader clearly.
3. Clarity Is Key
Students all too frequently attempt to impress examiners by using complex words in their writing or embellishing essay introductions. In the end, examiners look for clarity in a student’s writing because it shows how well they can express thoughts, feelings, or stories. Clear writing reduces their overall word count, saves time, and produces a narrative or argument that examiners can easily understand and score highly, especially when they have to grade hundreds of essays at once.
4. Practise, Practise, & Practise

Constant practice is the best way to advance in English composition. Find ways to improve the areas that need it most by concentrating on them. To reduce the likelihood of experiencing writer’s block during an actual exam, practise developing habits like brainstorming before writing. Additionally, students can compile a list of essays they believe to be of high quality, such as well-written blog posts, articles, or even examples of essays given by teachers. This may inspire the students to write more imaginatively during the PSLE English Composition Exam. The old compositions that students had written for class or exams should also be retrieved and reviewed to avoid making the same careless mistakes.
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Our English lessons at NASCANS in:tuitionTM are carefully designed by our in-house English experts to increase students’ confidence and exam-ready skills so they will succeed in their exams. Improve your child’s foundational skills and learn exam-winning strategies today!!